Monday, September 20, 2010

I am NOT happy..

Things are going pretty amazing right now and naturally, this terrifies me. My train of thought:

1. Everything is great today! I can't think of a single thing to complain about!

2. Woohoo! Another awesome day! YAY!

3. Another.. great.. day?! Hmm..

4. Alright, a week of bliss must mean that I'm about to get fired, dumped, AIDs, pregnant, evicted, jaundice, and/or dead.

5. Ok, well nothing bad has happened.. YET but I need a plan. Perhaps if I pretend to dwell on the negative things, the universe will think I'm just a regular, unsatisfied human being and will skip me when it come time to balance out my happiness with devastation! GOOD IDEA!

My boyfriend is amazing mean. I think these bites on my arm is from mosquitos black widows.

Maybe, that'll stave off the happiness allotment gods for now..

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